by Jennifer DeLucy Empath and Pathcrosser to the dead, Lillian Hunt has finally come into her own as a Sentient being. All seems well in her brave new world...that is, until a tragic turn sends her tight-knit Sentient group on a rescue mission through lore-infested Europe. Their goal is to save the love of Lily's life-vampire Sentient, William Maddox - from both the prejudice of...
by Patricia Leever Gasping for air inside an ice-filled tub. Convulsing from an electric shock to the brain. Struggling against restraints that bind and gag... Just another day at Agnews, The Great Asylum for the Insane. But for Evelyn, the night is so much worse. "Demons-wearing white coats and crisp white hats—prowled the halls, searching for a patient who would serve as...
by Trisha Wolfe It's the year 2040, and sixteen-year-old Dez Harkly is one of the last of her kind—part of a nearly extinct race of shape-shifters descended from guardians to the Egyptian pharaohs. Her home and her secret are threatened when the Council lowers the barrier, allowing the enemy race to enter the Shythe haven. As the Narcolym airships approach, Dez and her friends...
by Nicki Elson Maggie Brock has everything under control. Even her divorce, though painful at the time, only registers as a minor blip in her carefully constructed universe. Her life in Prairie Oaks has once again returned to a smooth, predictable pace…until an angel shows up in her bedroom. The angel is just as bewildered as Maggie about why he's been sent to her, but their...